Well, there is a lot of catching up to do in this post! I have been working so hard on getting the new blog up and running that I have neglected to actually write anything new in it! If this is your first time on the new blog, and you are familiar with my Cologne blog, I think you will find this one to be much cleaner, and functional. I am much happier with the design, and I am not going to have it specific to Cologne, so I can keep this one when I finally arrive back home in the US . . . hopefully with Obama as the new President. Otherwise I might be trying to find a ticket back!

First things first, a couple of weekends ago, two of my roommates and I took a trip to Bonn. Bonn is only about 20 minutes south of Cologne by train, and is a wonderful place to visit. It is a big city, but it feels more like a small town then Cologne does. We got there at about noon, and did a little bit of walking around. Our first stop was at the Museum of the History of the Federal Republic of Germany, located in an area of Bonn that has a road that consists of a mile long stretch of varying museums. It was an enormous museum that detailed the history from the end of World War II, until modern times. It was a good educational experience for me, especially since most of the history lessons we have in the United States on Germany involves war-time history.
Next, we found our way to a farmer's market, where we bought some fresh veggies, and the girls then found a couple of shops to browse through. We grabbed a quick bite to eat of some bratwurst (typical, I know), and then saw some other sites including the Beethoven house. Beethoven was actually born in Bonn, and his house still exists that he was born in. It is now a museum, and located in the city center. We didn't go in, but you can see the picture of the house.
Before dinner time we headed back on the train home. It was a good deal that day, as we only had to pay about seven euros each for the train tickets. My bratwurst cost two euro as well, and the museum was absolutely free. So nine euros to see a new German city wasn't too bad of a deal!
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